Land access is an important issue to many farmers and ranchers across the state, and the VBFRC has been working to address this topic for several years. Efforts have included training for service providers and educators on how to discuss land access and transition with farmers, "speed-dating" events to connect with potential sellers and buyers of farmland, and other trainings and events. Below is a list of resources and events that may be helpful for farmers and ranchers struggling with land access and transition issues.
Virginia Farm Link Database
The Virginia Farm Link database is an online database designed to link farm owners interested in exiting agriculture with those seeking farms and farm businesses. The Virginia Farm Link database service is provided at no-cost to the users. Virginia Farm Link works with each party to fully understand their interests and needs.
Piedmont Environmental Council Leasing Farmland
The Piedmont Environmental Council has put together “Finding a Place to Grow: How the Next Generation is Gaining Access to Farmland”, which includes eight profiles of successful farmland lease arrangements in Virginia. The profiles focus on the different business arrangements underlying these successful leases, to demonstrate the various options that landowners and beginning farmers have to establish partnerships and prudently share risks, responsibilities and rewards.
Planning the Future of Your Farm: A Workbook Supporting Farm Transfer Decisions, Virginia Edition (2017)
This workbook is primarily used by farm families looking to transition their agriculture operation. Families can use the workbook by themselves or under the guidance of a trusted outside party. This workbook is a needed resource for any agriculture producer looking to transfer their operation to future generations, family and non-family members alike.
Land For Good
Farm For Good aims to ensure the future of farming in New England by putting more farmers more securely on more land. Their resources are helpful to farmers nationwide. Their Land Access Toolboxes and Land Access Case Studies are great resources that address farmland access, tenure and transfer issues.
American Farmland Trust
The mission of the American Farmland Trust is to protect farmland, promote sound farming practices, and keep farmers on the land. Especially check out their Farmland for the Next Generation: Land Access Training.
The Virginia Beginning Farmer & Rancher Coalition is a state-wide and coalition-based Extension program, housed in Virginia Tech’s Department of Agricultural, Leadership, and Community Education. Funding was sponsored by the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program (BFRDP) of the USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Award #2023-49400-40885. For more information about the program, contact Katie Trozzo, Program Coordinator, at vabeginningfarmer@vt.edu or (540) 232-2233. For other questions, contact Kim Niewolny, Program Director, at niewolny@vt.edu.
For website updates, such as broken links, please contact vabeginningfarmer@vt.edu