Hear from Mandy Fletcher, VSU Small Farm Outreach program Assistant for Southwest Virginia, on Sheep and Goat Production.
Presentation Slides
Extension Ag Agent Contact Information
Mandy Fletcher, VSU Small Farm Outreach Associate, Southwest Virginia Region
- (804) 892-0108
- afletcher@vsu.edu
VSU Small Farm Outreach Program Small Ruminants Program
Virginia Sheep Extension
So You Want to Raise Sheep or Goats?
ATTRA - Sustainable Agriculture: Sheep and Goats
Maryland Small Ruminant Page
American Consortium for Small Ruminant Parasite Control
Storey’s Guide to Raising Sheep, 5th Edition
Temple Grandin’s Guide to Working with Farm Animals
American Sheep Industry Sheep Production Handbook; 2015 edition, Vol. 8
Meat Goat Production Handbook, Langston Univ.: American Institute for Goat Research
Dairy Goat Production Handbook, Langston Univ.: American Institute for Goat Research